"… and if you spend
yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of
the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and
your night will become the noonday."
Isaiah 58: 10 |
to Save Heritage and Rehabilitate the Enviroment website
. OurVision is founded upon the vision of the high illiteracy rate
in the country and the lack of information which makes the
development process bound to be undermined. Even with the small
percentage of educated people, the inefficient land inadequate
communications network in the country make it difficult for the
nation to tap from the capacity of its four and a half million
population. This lack of props (community support) has made many
people lose confidence in their own potential !
Project Spotlight
executive Director Elvis Hallowell and United Nations commission
of human rights Director pose for the press in Sierra
SHARE believes that for Sierra Leone to develop, the people have
to be made aware and be empowered for self-sustainability. In the
pursuance of the rights of all Sierra Leoneans, SHARE seeks to
address people in relation to their heritage and their environment,
two tenets mostly destroyed by war, natural broken community has no
leg to move on !
The bottom line of our activities is geared towards developing
poor communities within local and urban settings. This includes environmental
& Agricultural affairs, arts
& culture, trauma healing
and peace building network,
human rights advocacy, women & children’s affairs, income
generating skills etc. These activities are usually integrated
within a single project activities
. If you would like to be involved
with SHARE activities at
any one of these projects, click
2000 Save Heritage and Rehabilitate the Environment SHARE. All Rights Reserved.
Questions/Comments? E-mail: share50@hotmail.com
Lamina SankohStreet Freetown, Sierra
166 Tel:/Fax:232-22-223361
Design: Desmond Macfoy
Last Updated: 07/30/00 Special
thanks to:Detco Communication
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